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About Holspi
Preaching the Gospel by the Power of the Holy Spirit!
  • (Romans 12:10) Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;
  • (Romans 8:6) For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

Holspi Ministries is tasked with sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world. We are committed to servant hood under the leadership of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ with the power of the Holy Spirit to the glory of God the father. We are here to serve you as you pursue Christ and seek alignment to your divine purpose, spiritual growth and take your ordained (rightful) position in the Kingdom of God. Mark 16:17-18 And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name they shall cast out demons, they shall speak with new tongues, they shall take up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.


Statement of belief:

We hold the following beliefs as the foundation of our ministry:

God: We believe in one true triune God, revealed in three persons as the holy trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God is sovereign, all knowing, all powerful, all present. Jesus Christ is the son of God who became flesh, born of a woman by the seed of the holy spirit and died on the cross and rose to reconcile man to God the Father. We believe that Christ is the only way to Salvation.

We believe that the ministry of Christ on earth continues today through the Holy spirit. When a person is baptized in the Holy Spirit, they will grow to exhibit the fruits of the spirit. The Holy Spirit indwells and empowers for Christ like living. We accept and seek all the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit and believe that they still exist in the church today.

Bible: We believe in the authority of the Bible as the word of God, all the authors were inspired by God and we reject any teaching that contradicts the Bible. We believe in all the Bible teaches, we obey all that is requires and trust all that it promises

Man: We believe that man was created by God in his image, sinless. The first man Adam sinned and brought about death on all men. Therefore all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, alienated from God, man is unable to approach God except through the redeeming work of Jesus Christ who died on the cross and resurrected to bring life to all men who accept him.

Salvation: We believe that salvation is only through Christ. The born again experience begins a process of spiritual regeneration and renewal.

Baptism: We believe in baptism by immersion after salvation as a personal and public statement o faith in the finished work of Christ when he died and resurrected to wash us with his blood and purchase our salvation.

The second coming of Christ: We believe in the physical return of Christ to take authority and rule the earth. No one knows the hour of his return therefore we remain expectant and motivated to live a Godly life. God will raise mankind from the dead and there will be a final Judgment. Unbelievers will be in eternal condemnation while believers will live in eternal blessing.


Pastor Charles Eseme Enaw:

Our lead minister is Pastor Charles Eseme Enaw. Born in Kumba, Cameroon, he grew up as a gentle and reserved little boy who loved serving others. As a proud young man, the Lord used his mother’s protracted illness and subsequent miraculous healing (which all lasted 15 years) to humble and prepare him for ministry. the call of God fell upon his life as an adult in 2001 when he suddenly began to feel a strong urge to study the Bible and stay in the presence of God. He went through a consistent and intense period soaked in the word of God followed by divine revelation and illumination. The hand of God became evident in his life and ministry as God began to use him in miraculous healings, prophetic pronouncements, inspired teachings and a strong presence of the Lord wherever he went. What initially began as a prayer cell in his living room has today grown into an international ministry with the power of God manifesting in signs and wonders and changing lives to eternal salvation in Christ Jesus.


Covenant Partners: We believe that our partners are chosen and planted in this ministry by the Lord Jesus Christ to partner with us in meeting the great commission by taking the gospel to the world, setting the captives free, healing the sick and the broken hearted etc. (Bible verse here). We ask that you prayerfully seek the Lord to determine in what capacity you may best serve in this ministry.

Partners can participate as we engage in the great commission in a number of ways:

– Volunteering a skill: administration, graphic design and print, Publicity and marketing, video and audio engineering,

– Volunteering a spiritual gift: music ministry, ushers, alter ministry, intercession,

– Financial partnership: Partners can make a onetime financial gift or commit to a monthly financial donation to support ministry expenses.

As a covenant partner, you will receive our annual ministry newsletter updating you on the work of the ministry and how your partnership is contributing to the work of God. It is our regular practice to pray for the needs of our partners and also offer various opportunities for counseling and ministration from our anointed ministers.

Ministry Projects

The Love of God is so wonderful!